On Juley 20th 1969 the United States in a last attempt to win the Space Race launched Apollo 11 to land on the moon. Sadley the man who promissed this John F. Kennedy, was assinated before he could witness this event. On Juley 23rd 1996 Buzz Aldren & Neil Armstrong were the first recorded humans to land on the moon, or did they?
Dureing the un-edited playing of the Moon-Landig as billions of people were watching the un-edited version of the Moon Landing, a small nuber of citizens liveing in Astrallia noticed a Coke-Ca-Cola can was spotted near the American Flag. As most people now drinking soda in space is impossible because the liquids inside of the can will float out of the can making it impossible to drink, was this left over trash left over from the creation of one the most largest scams of all time? Or someones poor vision?
During the corse of the moon landing Coke-Ca-Cola was still served in a bottel the can was not yet invented and the Astralina civilianes specificly stated it was a can. Another hoax theroy was that the American flag was waveing in the airless vacum of space. How is this possible? Could there be air on the moon's surface? Or was it truely faked?
N.A.S.S.A the American space program states that there something wrong with the pole that the flag was attached to. If one were to look closely you can see the flag slightly move at one point during the video, yet when the flag is standing up completely it is barely moving, how could this be done? Was it truly flag pole problems causing it to appear to ripple? Or Wiring is holding the flag up in place?
This is not the only place were wiring was apparently seen. During the jumping seen you can see a flash above one of the astronauts, the stage lights they were using probably reflected off the wire causing the flashing. This is also a major question that people ask is why is it so bright? So far the only two logical answer's are, the sun was illuminating the moon while the astronauts were exploring the moon, and stage lights. Most people are probably wondering why would they fake the moon?
To gain money in order to remain out of dept due to all the money invested in some of the actual attempts at getting into space.
Out of fear that the Russian satellite would shot a missile could be shot down at us at any moment, so by landing on the moon we would be able to take down the satellite.
To restore the public's trust after the John F. Kennedy death.
Proficency #2 Theories On The Creation of the Universe
Ever since the begining of time people have wondered "What really created the universe"? Only ten theories of the universe location were selected (see video) yet wich is the most logical?
The Bouncing Theory states that the universe has always been here much like the "Always Here" theory, and that the universe is constantly expanding and changing this explains Why at some point we were able to see Planet X an unown planet that was once in our solar systems orbit, but has now drifted to a diffrent postion.
This also would explain why pluto, wich was once classified as a planet now a moon that floated far from Neptune. Some are probably still wondering "this still dosen't explain the actuale creation." In the Bouncing theory, our universe only makes large changes such as mutiple plantes moveing, or distruction / coliding of planets occures during explosins in space or Big Bangs. The Big Bang is actually another theory that states that our universe was created by a Big Bang which apparently created all of our planets.
Mayan Chichen Izta Ruins . 20 January 2011 http://www.mayantemple.net/chichen-itza-ruins.php.
Knight, Sterling. Food Crisis and the global land grab. 17 August 2009. 20 January 2011 http://farmlandgrab.org/post/view/7171.
Universe and Intelligent Life. 24 November 2009. 20 January 2011 http://tourinord.com/.
MPL3D-Photo Gallery. 20 January 2011 http://www.mpl3d.com/photogal.htm.
Proficiency # 3 Constellation
Mythology & Location
There are at least 88 recorded constellations that are visible in the earths celestial Sphere (Mostly discovered by Spain.) Each have some form or figure that is involved with a culture's religion.
Cassiopeia, King Cepheus wife, Queen, and mother of Princesses Andromeda. She constantly bragged that she was the prettiest creature who ever lived, this angered Trident the sea god very much, so he sent Cetus the sea serpent to kill King Cepheus, Queen Cassiopeia, and Princesses Andromeda. King Cepheus realizing that the creature was destroying Ethiopia, the land King Cepheus apparently ruled attempted to sacrifice his daughter Andromeda to the monster in order to end his rain of destruction. At the very last moment however Perseus, the Hero destroyed the monster with Medusa's decapitated head, who he had apparently killed earlier that day.
Perseus can be seen in the sky during winter in the northern hemisshpere. His shape is a triangle with four lines stretching out from the triangle resembling arms. If you look closely you can see one of his arms which was apparently the arm that was holding Medusa's head ;is blinking.
Queen Cassiopeia is also located in the northern hemisshpere and is visible all year long. Her shape is an "M" or "W" shape depending on were she exactly is.
King Cepheus location is very difficult to exactly locate, his constellation is made up of dime stars thus making it only visible with a telescope.
Custom Constellation Story
Long ago back when Trident still ruled the seas and man were still crawling their way into the future, there were a group of Nesiota elliptica trees. These trees were once a very common tree to find most planets, but due to the humans actions these tree became less and less common to find every day. One day the last Nesiota elliptica tree detached itself from itself from the planet it was originally attached to and began to float away off into space. In the process of floating away into space the seeds of the Nesiota elliptica seed's were able to detach from thier original tree and mangage to float off into the milkyway galaxy, and land on a planet that would one day be called earth.
Proficiency # 4 Space Technology
The majority of people today have a decent understanding of what is in our solar system and theory of what may be beyond, but were exactly was this information found? Who discovered the planets? What still drives human kind to continue investigating space?
It all started with the telescope a more advanced way to look closely into space. Most people believe that Galileo invented the telescope in 1609, however Hans Lippershey another astronomer created the design for the telescope at least one year before Galileo would. It is completely however who invented the very first telescope, seeming as there are two other possible people who were also capable of creating the telescope, Zacharias Janssen and Jacob Metius.
Issac Newton an important figure in developing the theory of the effects on earth and in space. It all started with Issac Newton one day getting hit in the head by an apple falling from a tree, this sparked his theory on gravity, movement, and speed of light. However Newton was not the only one who had theories on the effects of space Christian Huygens also had a theory that light was made up of waves that traveled through an invisible substance called ether.
Rockets are the only form of current human space transportation. A successful rocket launch requires for the rocket to be the correct size and shape while still having enough strength to break through earth's atmosphere. Rockets were originally invented by the Chinese, but much smaller and meant for combat and much similar to fire crackers, the exploded after making physical contact with the ground.Also rockets can at times only carry satellites, the purpose for a satellite is to take pictures of earth, or other planet's, or if floating near earth bounce back radio signals, and T.V. signals back down to the receiver's of the signal. Sputnik, the first recorded satellite launched into space on October 4, 1957 by Russia.
All of these tools have helped in the process of gaining a better understanding of space through out time, however what will the future hold for these objects? My theory is that most rockets will be smaller sleeker, and faster, seeming as most of today's technology such as cars, computer's, i pods, and phones have already reached that state. Satellites will probably replace telescopes seeming as they will possibly gain the ability to record from outer space.