Proficiency #1 Does the mass of a toy car have the abillty to move a 86.7 gram block?
Hypothesis: I believe that a toy car does have the abillity to move to move the block in under 5 seconds. The block weighs 86.7 grams and is very easy to move which will make it easier for an object on weals to push the object.
1. 5inch ramp
1. Toy car
1. Timer
1. piece of tape
CV: Mass of objects
DV: Speed of car
IV: Energy being transfered to the block.
1.Gather all materials
2.Place car on top of ramp
3.Tape down area were you will place the block
4.When ready roll car down ramp and record time
5. Wait until both objects have mad a complete stop then stop timer.
6. record results
7. Place Block & Car at original postions
8. repeat steps 2-7 8 times
9. clean up.
The time ranged from .7 to .5 seconds. The average was .65. My theory was slightly off when predicting the outcome of the block. My chances of being correct though would have probably increased if the ramp was at a different angle or made of different materials.
Proficiency #2 Speed Ramp; Accelleration
A 399 lb car is driving at top speed on a FLAT surfaced road how long will it take for it to slow down? Will it take longer if there is a person (weighing the same, and same gender) in the passengers seat?
Theory: Th car will probably go slower whith a second person, but not by much.
1x Car
2x People weighing close to the same and are close to the same height.
1x Timer
3x traffic cones
CV: Car, and People
DV: Weight of car
IV: Speed of car
1. Place 2 traffic cones from a far enough distance for the car to gain top speed and wide enough for the car to pase through
2. Place one cone behind were the car is starting.
3. Have ONE person drive
4. When ready start timer and have Car drive at top speed
5. Once car has reached cones have the driver hit the breaks IMEDIATLLY after going through cones.
6. Wait UNTIL car has reached a complet stop
7. Record time and Have 2nd person get into the car
8. Drive car back to starting point
9. Repeat steps 2-6 with second person 4 times
10. Repeat steps 2-6 with ONE person 4 times
11. clean up
After comparing information and running multiple test's I have been proven correct on my theroy. Things that are heavier will ussually take up more time during transportantion, this also explains why truck drivers have to drive 24 houres non-stop while on the road carrying heavy loads so they can reach their destanation on time.
Proficiency #3 Gravity & Friction
Problem: Two undamaged cars (both same model) are both falling they are both painted different colors. One is painted Red the other Blue. Which will suffer the most damage? (Both test's will be done in day light)
Theory: The Blue colored car will create more damage since it is a darker color and usually darker colors gain more heat from the sun and are more fragile after periods of time.
1x car painted blue
1x car painted red
1x solid surface for landing
1x timer
CV: The material the cars & ground are made of.
DV: Gravity of car
IV: Impact and heat
1. Tape down the are were you will be objects off the edge
2. When ready mover car over lift and record time
3. Stop timer when objects have stopped moving
4. Examine car for damage and record time.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 with other car.
6. compare damage to other car
7. Clean up
Blue Car loss bumper & began to smoke took
Red Car began to smoke
Conclusion: In conclusion my theory was correct to what would suffer more damage. However consecutive test's should have been done in order to prove this.
Proficieny 4# Rube Goldberg
For the Rube Goldberg it will constructed on a video game called “Halo 3”
Move one object out of the way to open a door.
2x 369.36 human sized golf ball
An object that can lift other objects that exceed its own weight
A sensitive explosive object that can set off by simply hitting it.
4x Pallets
IV: The stone material used to create the track
DV: The speed that the golf ball is moving at, how much gravity an object has
CV: Impact with solid ground
1. Put golf ball at the top of the track
2. Move golf ball down onto the tramp ramp
3. The ball will roll down the ramp and onto a lift
4. The lift will throw the ball into a U-turn shaped tube
5. The golf ball’s speed will increase by the hidden lift’s inside of the tube
6. The Golf ball will be flung through the exit of the tube and roll up a nearby ramp
7. It will then hop from the top of the ramp and crash into 4 pallets causing a domino effect
8. The last pallet will knock down a floating explosive causing it to fall and exlpode it’s self and the object below it (object blocking the door) completing the simple task
Proficieny 5#: Algae Fuel
Most forms of energy are fueled by fossil fuels. Everyday thousands of people use the types of energy that are fueled by fossil fuels, but do they truly now the effect that fossil fuels have on the environment? Fossil Fuels are created from tainted water, people are deliberately tainting water causing creatures who inhabit the area to die or become very ill. Many have noticed this issue and have suggested different types of energy to be used, still most of these alternative forms of energy require Fossil Fuels in order to function. Yet if we were to change the fuel to something eco-friendly such as Algae we would be able to save most lakes, and rivers from pollution. Algae is a biodiesel fuel, it can produce at least 30 times as much oil than fossil fuels. Also it is a nontoxic fuel that is bio degradable. There are other types of eco-friendly options as well such as cars running by solar energy there it slight issue though with using these types of cars, if this car drives through a tunnel or in a shady place the car will stop or slow delay you to your destination.
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